Hi, I’m Susan
Formation in Washington, DC in 2006. Since 2008, Susan has facilitated workshops and retreats at the Bon Secours Retreat and Conference Center, Shrine Mont Retreat Center and many churches in the northern VA areas as well as Georgia and North Carolina. Further training includes The Education for Ministry Program (EFM), Centering Prayer, Bio-Spiritual Focusing Therapy and Zen Buddhism. Susan has also received training at Rev. Cynthia Bourgeault’s Wisdom School.
Susan Flynn Boruff has over 20 years’ experience practicing meditation and writing and leading meditation retreats for retreat centers, women's church groups, church leadership teams, the National Association of Catholic Chaplains, parish nurses, and youth groups. She has also written and led many Advent and Lenten meditation programs. She has published articles in the National Association of Catholic Chaplains Vision magazine and The Sisters of Bon Secours Focus magazine. You can also read her articles on the blog at The Retreat and Conference Center at BonSecours.
Susan is a certified spiritual director. She completed the two-year Spiritual Guidance program at The Shalem Institute for Spiritual
Susan was introduced to the world of neuroscience in her training to become a speech-language pathologist. She received her undergraduate degree in Speech Correction with a minor in Psychology. She holds her Master’s Degree in Speech LanguagePathology from the University of South Carolina.
Susan has two grown daughters and currently resides in Charleston, SC with her husband Brian of 33 years and their two dogs, Rosie and Hope Frances.